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Practice Groups/Networks

Columbus Bar Practice Groups/Networks

Columbus Bar Association practice groups/networks keep you up to speed on the latest issues impacting your practice and provide an easy way to stay connected to your colleagues.

Attendance is limited to Columbus Bar Association members - in fact, it's one of the best reasons to join! Have a question about practice groups/networks or CBA membership? Contact Donna Sweet at or (614) 340-2030.

Upcoming Meetings


0Substantive law Practice Groups
0Professional Development Networks
2000+Board-appointed committees
0Virtual meetings and events hosted in the 2023-2024 membership year
0CBA members participate in Practice Groups/Networks

Not a CBA member?

Join over 4,400 legal professionals in central Ohio and take your practice to the next level.

Contact Us

Columbus Bar Association
230 West Street, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43215

Parking Information

Phone: (614) 221-4112
Fax: (614) 221-4850

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