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Young Lawyers Professional Development Network


Like young attorneys themselves, the Young Lawyers Professional Development Network looks to the future. All activities and programs are designed to assist new lawyers in building successful, rewarding professional lives. The professional development network takes a comprehensive approach to the practice of law, helping young attorneys acquire all the tools needed to build a successful career; from the substantive knowledge and business sense expected of today's attorney to the sprawling networks, strong friendships and balanced perspectives that make professional growth both possible and rewarding.

A Message from the Professional Development Network Chairs

We are excited to welcome you to the start of the 2024-25 Young Lawyers Professional Development Network year. The Young Lawyers Professional Development Network serves those Bar members who have been in practice 10 or fewer years. This means you are a dynamic group of attorneys that practice in government, firms, in-house, or as solos and specialize in everything from family law, litigation, criminal law, corporate law, and everything in between. But the common theme we've seen is how engaged and enthusiastic you are. To meet your energy, we've planned numerous events to connect you to one another, practice tips, and the community - including lunchtime meetings, happy hours and breakfasts, as well as monthly special events.

-Mackenzie Compton and Sarah Marshall

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Professional Development Network Co-Chairs

Mackenzie Compton

Sarah Marshall

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Columbus Bar Association
230 West Street, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43215

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Phone: (614) 221-4112
Fax: (614) 221-4850

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