This event is currently being hosted on a separate registration page. Click here to be redirected to the appropriate page.

E-Discovery and Social Media (Live Webinar)

February 18, 2022


Friday, February 18, 2022


12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Friday, February 18, 2022

Registration Deadline

Saturday, February 19, 2022

CLE Easy Pass Eligible?



E-Discovery and Social Media (Live Webinar) Event Image

This class will be held on Zoom. Login to the website and click the "Register" button to register. You will receive a confirmation email from the Columbus Bar AND an email from Zoom containing information about joining the class.

You must use your unique link in order to receive CLE credit.

E-Discovery and Social Media

  • ORPC 1.0: Technology Competence Overview
  • An Overview of E-Discovery Principles
  • Wrestling with the “Proportionality” Standard
  • An Overview of the Types of Social Media
  • The Intersection of E-Discovery and Social Media
  • Where is the Information and How do I Get It?
  • Ethical Consideration with Social Media Discovery

Presenters: Zachary B. Pyers and Kenton H. Steele, Reminger Co. LPA

1.5 CLE Hours, including 0.5 Professional Conduct

Registration Fees

CBA Associate Members
Early Standard Late
CBA Associate Members: Early Bird Price
Early Standard Late
CBA Attorney Members
Early Standard Late
CBA Attorney Members: Early Bird Price
Early Standard Late
CLE Easy Pass
Early Standard Late
Early Standard Late
Non-Members: Early Bird Price
Early Standard Late





Continuing Education
