This event is currently being hosted on a separate registration page. Click here to be redirected to the appropriate page.

2023 Kegler Brown Hill + Ritter Ethics Symposium (In-Person at the CBA OR ZOOM Live Webinar)

November 17, 2023


Friday, November 17, 2023


9:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Friday, November 17, 2023

Registration Deadline

Saturday, November 18, 2023

CLE Easy Pass Eligible?



2023 Kegler Brown Hill + Ritter Ethics Symposium (In-Person at the CBA OR ZOOM Live Webinar) Event Image

This class will be held on Zoom AND in-person at the CBA - you choose the format you'd prefer. Login to the website and click the "Register" button to register. You will receive a confirmation email from the Columbus Bar AND an email from Zoom containing information about joining the class (you will receive an email from Zoom even if you choose to attend in-person).

If you are attending via Zoom, you must use your unique link from Zoom in order to receive CLE credit.

2023 Kegler Brown Hill + Ritter Ethics Symposium

Get all your professional conduct credit in one entertaining package - the Kegler Brown Hill + Ritter Ethics Symposium is back! This popular CLE delivers the latest in caselaw and the best in practice pointers. Sign up now if you want to come in person - space is limited! Otherwise, we will "see" you virtually via our high quality streaming webinar format.


Chris Weber, Managing Director

Nicholas S. Bobb, Director

3.0 Professional Conduct CLE Hours

Registration Fees

CBA Associate Members
Early Standard Late
CBA Associate Members: Early Bird Price
Early Standard Late
CBA Attorney Members
Early Standard Late
CBA Attorney Members: Early Bird Price
Early Standard Late
CLE Easy Pass
Early Standard Late
Early Standard Late
Non-Members: Early Bird Price
Early Standard Late


  Attend in-person at the Columbus Bar Association Sold Out! 0 Slots Left
  Attend via Zoom Sold Out! 0 Slots Left




Continuing Education
